- Only one disk can be taken at a time.
- It is not allowed to take any disk other the topmost one from a tower.
- Never place a larger disk on top of a smaller one.
- Place a disk nowhere else other than on a tower.
This C program lets you select the number of disks (difficulty of puzzle) and demonstrates the optimal solution for the towers of Hanoi puzzle via animation. You can enter the number of disks when you start. The program solves the puzzle with minimum number of moves. The solving process is animated. For this purpose, we use the graphics library (graphics.h) in c. The solution is always optimal. For a 3 disks puzzle, the optimal number of moves is 7. This c program uses a recursive function to find the solution of tower of Hanoi puzzle. The program is as follows.
#include<stdio.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<dos.h> #include<math.h> int tower[3][10];// the three towers' disks as stack int top[3];//top of the three stacks int from,to;//moving 'from' tower number 'to' tower number int diskInAir;//number of disk moved (1 to n) int l,b,u; void push(int to, int diskno) //putting disk on tower { tower[to-1][++top[to-1]]=diskno; } int pop(int from) //take topmost disk from tower { return(tower[from-1][top[from-1]--]); } void drawStill() { int j,i,disk; cleardevice(); for(j=1;j<=3;j++) { //draw tower setfillstyle(CLOSE_DOT_FILL,WHITE); bar(j*l,u,j*l+5,b); //draw all disks on tower for(i=0;i<=top[j-1];i++) { disk=tower[j-1][i]; setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,1+disk); bar(j*l-15-disk*5,b-(i+1)*10,j*l+5+15+disk*5,b-i*10); } } } void animator() //to show the movement of disk { int x,y,dif,sign; diskInAir=pop(from); x=from*l; y=b-(top[from-1]+1)*10; //taking disk upward from the tower for(;y>u-20;y-=15) { drawStill(); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,1+diskInAir); bar(x-15-diskInAir*5,y-10,x+5+15+diskInAir*5,y); delay(100); } y=u-20; dif=to*l-x; sign=dif/abs(dif); //moving disk towards a target tower for(;abs(x-to*l)>25;x+=sign*15) { drawStill(); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,1+diskInAir); bar(x-15-diskInAir*5,y-10,x+5+15+diskInAir*5,y); delay(100); } x=to*l; //placing disk on a target tower for(;y<b-(top[to-1]+1)*10;y+=15) { drawStill(); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,1+diskInAir); bar(x-15-diskInAir*5,y-10,x+5+15+diskInAir*5,y); delay(100); } push(to,diskInAir); drawStill(); } void moveTopN(int n, int a, int b, int c) //Move top n disk from tower 'a' to tower 'c' //tower 'b' used for swapping { if(n>=1) { moveTopN(n-1,a,c,b); drawStill(); delay(1000); from=a; to=c; //animating the move animator(); moveTopN(n-1,b,a,c); } } void main() { int i,gd=DETECT,gm,n; printf("Enter number of disks"); scanf("%d",&n); initgraph(&gd,&gm,"C:\\TURBOC3\\BGI\\"); //setting all tower empty for(i=0;i<3;i++) { top[i]=-1; } //putting all disks on tower 'a' for(i=n;i>0;i--) { push(1,i); } l=getmaxx()/4; b=getmaxy()-50; u=getmaxy()/3+100; //start solving moveTopN(n,1,2,3); delay(4000); getch(); }
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